The Board of Directors sets policy priorities that reflect the concerns of municipal governments and affiliate members. It meets quarterly to develop policy positions on key national municipal issues.
During the quarterly meetings, the various standing committees meet to discuss and develop policy positions on these key issues. These recommendations are then forwarded to the Board of Directors who discuss and adopt the recommendations.
All positions on FCM's Board of Directors are filled by election on an annual basis, with the exception of those designated for affiliate members and the immediate past president, as outlined in the FCM by-laws, during the Annual Conference.
The president, first vice-president, second vice-president and third vice-president are elected at large. The position of immediate past president is an automatic succession.
FCM's Annual Conference provides member delegates the opportunity to debate and vote on policy matters for the coming year.
Table Officers
Rebecca Bligh
FCM President Rebecca Bligh was first elected to Vancouver City Council in 2018. Rebecca is a strong voice for accountability and fiscal responsibility and she has served on FCM’s Board of Directors since 2018.
Tim Tierney
First Vice-President
FCM First Vice-President Tim Tierney was first elected to Ottawa City Council in 2010 and since then has continued to support his community through many successful events, projects, and initiatives.
Kathy Valentino
Second Vice-President
FCM Second Vice-President Kathy Valentino is the Deputy Mayor, City of Thompson, MB. She is also a Vice-President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, which represents 137 municipalities across the province.
Amy Coady
Third Vice-President
FCM Third Vice-President Amy Coady is councillor for the City of Grand Falls-Windsor, NL. A dedicated representative since being elected in 2009.
Scott Pearce
Past President
FCM Past President Scott Pearce is the Mayor of the Township of Gore, first elected in November 2004. He has also been the Warden of the RCM Argenteuil since 2014—and a member of FCM’s Board of Directors since 2009.