EDMONTON, AB -  The leader of the Green Party of Canada Elizabeth May delivered a keynote speech to delegates today at the Annual Conference of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in Edmonton. Following the Party Leader's statement, FCM president Brad Woodside released the following statement.

"Earlier this year FCM called for a new approach, a new era of cooperation between all orders of government focused on our country's most pressing challenges: jobs, the economy and our quality of life.  It's very encouraging to see all federal parties eager to pitch their platforms to Municipal leaders. It signals they are ready to work with municipalities as partners. This is a real win for Canadians.

This was evident in Ms. May's strong expression of support for the critical role municipalities play in building a stronger country.  Her plan to commit 1 point of the GST to municipal priorities could provide a significant new source of revenue to build better roads, safer bridges and cleaner water.  We look forward to further details on this.

We are also encouraged that Ms. May recognizes the need for all orders of government to focus on increasing the supply of affordable housing.  FCM asks that all parties commit to sustaining existing investments in housing and increasing the supply of affordable rental units.  

We are delighted that Ms. May re-affirmed her commitment to participate in a national leaders debate on municipal issues.  Three of four federal parties have signed on to the debate. We look forward to hearing from the Conservatives.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is the national voice of municipal government. In leading the municipal movement, FCM works to align federal and local priorities, recognizing that strong hometowns make for a strong Canada.

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