News release
Raymond Louie looks forward to working closely with the new government to strengthen the economy and improve quality of life for all Canadians.
News release
Statement by Gregor Robertson, Chair of FCM's Big City Mayors' Caucus.
  • Big City Mayors' Caucus
News release
This election was a defining moment for the millions of Canadians who live in cities and communities across this great country, as we witnessed unprecedented emphasis on municipal priorities that affect the day-to-day lives of Canadians.
News release
Throughout the federal election campaign, the mayors of Canada's largest cities actively promoted the importance of infrastructure, transit, and housing in driving a strong Canadian economy.
  • Big City Mayors' Caucus
News release
FCM President Raymond Louie called the election a win for Canadians, as municipal priorities were front and centre in this election.
News release
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson says it is clear that this election offers voters meaningful choices between the parties on issues that most effect Canadians in their day to day lives.
  • Big City Mayors' Caucus
News release
Dedicated municipal infrastructure investments like those proposed by the Green Party will help build a Canada that can compete with the very best in the world.
News release
Mayors of Canada's big cities delivered delivered the message through a coordinated set of press conferences, media statements and on social media in cities across the country.
  • Big City Mayors' Caucus
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