(Vancouver) - The Chair of the Big City Mayors' Caucus, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Roberston, congratulated Justin Trudeau on becoming the new Prime Minister of Canada following the Liberal Party's success in the federal election last night.

Throughout the federal election campaign, the mayors of Canada's largest cities actively promoted the importance of infrastructure, transit, and housing in driving a strong Canadian economy. The mayors developed and presented an action plan that pointed the way towards reduced commute times, investments in infrastructure, and affordable housing.

The mayors' election plan gained unprecedented traction during the campaign, with each one of the major political parties embracing solutions that deliver enhanced quality of life for Canadians. The mayors argued that a strong Canadian economy is anchored in dynamic cities, where people and goods can move effectively, where families benefit from affordable housing, and where infrastructure investments are seen as economic drivers for the country.

"In this federal election, cities delivered a strong mandate to the newly formed Liberal government. As mayors of Canada's biggest cities, we are ready to get down to work to support the federal government in its partnership with cities. It's very encouraging that a platform that committed to big investments in transit and affordable housing resonated with so many Canadians across the country," said Mayor Robertson. "With a new federal government, we have an exciting opportunity to invest in our cities and build Canada's economy from coast to coast."

The mayors of Canada's largest cities kicked off their campaign last February, putting all parties on notice that they would present tangible solutions to address the priorities of 21 million Canadians who reside in cities. The mayors united to illustrate how an effective municipal-federal partnership could benefit Canadians in their day-to-day lives.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is the national voice of municipal government. In leading the municipal movement, FCM works to align federal and local priorities, recognizing that strong hometowns make for a strong Canada.

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Big City Mayors' Caucus
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