(Vancouver) - The Chair of the Big City Mayors' Caucus, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Roberston, is urging Canadians to "Vote for Cities" as they head to the polls this coming Monday. Mayor Robertson says it is clear that this election offers voters meaningful choices between the parties on issues that most effect Canadians in their day to day lives: transit, infrastructure and housing.

"This election presents a real opportunity to give the economy a boost by giving families a break and investing in Canada's cities," said Mayor Robertson. "Investments in transit will reduce the time Canadians spend in gridlock; building up our infrastructure will attract business and create high-paying new jobs; and a focus on housing will help all Canadians struggling to find an affordable place to call home. Cities are Canada's economic engines, and Canadian families are counting on the next federal government to meet these challenges head on."

All federal parties in this campaign are presenting clear commitments to partner with Canada's cities on building the economy and improving quality of life. But there are differences between each of the platforms.

"Canada's mayors have provided strong leadership in this federal election campaign, ensuring that the economic importance of our cities was a leading focus of this election," added Mayor Robertson. "The parties took notice, and voters now have a clear choice on the issues that are the real drivers of a strong Canadian economy."

The mayors of Canada's largest cities kicked-off their campaign in Toronto last February, putting all parties on notice that as leaders of 21 million Canadians who reside in cities, they would be advocating for solutions and a strong partnership with the new federal government. This call to action was amplified when the mayors met in Edmonton in June and heard from all parties, eager to address issues of importance to municipal leaders. Most recently, mayors gathered in Toronto and in Montreal to bring attention to the need for a housing commitment.

The outcome party commitments are captured in FCM's policy tracker - a crucial tool for voters in this election. Canadians are invited to use this tool to help guide their decision.

FCM's website also includes other tools to guide Canadians in advance of Monday's vote. The Candidate Lookup tool tells voters which of their local candidates have signed on to the #CDNmuni commitment; a pledge to endorse urban issues as election issues.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is the national voice of municipal government. In leading the municipal movement, FCM works to align federal and local priorities, recognizing that strong hometowns make for a strong Canada.

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Big City Mayors' Caucus
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