News release

Statement from Raymond Louie, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities following the Speech from the Throne

News release

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities will officially represent local governments as part of the Canadian delegation during the COP21 conference on climate change in Paris.

News release

Canadians all across our country are doing what we do best in times of crisis; we respond quickly and compassionately. Local governments will play an essential role in welcoming and resettling thousands Syrian refugees in the coming weeks and months. We support the urgency with which the federal government is addressing the situation.

News release

In a series of face-to-face meetings, the senior leadership of FCM presented a detailed document titled Cities and Communities: Partners in Canada's Future.

News release

President Louie thanked Minister Sohi for his party's election commitment to meaningfully partner with municipalities and to implement a comprehensive 10-year infrastructure plan.

News release

Canada's big cities stand ready and willing to help assist Syrian refugees as they come to Canada and integrate into our communities.

News release

We look forward to continued cooperation with our federal partners on a long-term strategy to ensure our communities are set up to meet the challenge this humanitarian crisis presents.

News release

On behalf of the over 2,000 members of FCM, President Raymond Louie said he looks forward to working with Ms. Ambrose and the entire Conservative Caucus.
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