News release

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson says it is clear that this election offers voters meaningful choices between the parties on issues that most effect Canadians in their day to day lives.

News release

Dedicated municipal infrastructure investments like those proposed by the Green Party will help build a Canada that can compete with the very best in the world.

News release

Mayors of Canada's big cities delivered delivered the message through a coordinated set of press conferences, media statements and on social media in cities across the country.

News release

The mayors were in Montréal today to meet following the UN's Habitat III conference, which brings together representatives from the world's large metropolitan areas.

News release

Canada faces a seniors' housing crisis — one that will have serious consequences on everything from our economy to our communities.

News release

Statement from FCM President Raymond Louie on NDP announcement.

News release

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has released details on the membership of the Task Force on Syrian Refugee Resettlement.

News release

The New Democratic Party of Canada is the first out of the gate to offer fully costed commitments to support this fundamental pillar of a strong economy.
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