NDP leader re-affirms his commitment to a National Leaders Debate on Municipal Issues

EDMONTON, AB - The leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada Tom Mulcair delivered a keynote speech to delegates today at the Annual Conference of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in Edmonton. Following the Party Leader's statement, FCM president Brad Woodside released the following statement.

"Earlier this year FCM called for a new approach, a new era of cooperation between all orders of government focused on our country's most pressing challenges: jobs, the economy and our quality of life.  It's very encouraging to see all federal parties eager to pitch their platforms to Municipal leaders. It signals they are ready to work with municipalities as partners. This is a real win for Canadians.

Mr. Mulcair's plan proposes to increase the gas tax amount transferred to municipalities by $1.5B per year, and this responds directly to FCM's call for stable, long-term and predictable funding. It will enable municipalities to build better roads, safer bridges and have cleaner water in rural communities and larger cities from coast to coast to coast, while creating jobs and growing the economy.

Mr. Mulcair's 20-year Better Transit Plan is a significant commitment to cut commute times for Canadians and strengthen the economy. The plan to invest $1.3B annually in a dedicated fund demonstrates we are in a new era of federal partnership on public transit. We have called for flexibility in any fund design, including on P3 requirements, and we are pleased the NDP's plan has responded. Municipalities will be able to decide what financing structure best suits their unique needs.

We have asked all parties to sustain current investments in housing and the NDP plan delivers an important first step. It also proposes incentives to increase affordable rental options.  We look forward to hearing further details.

We are delighted that Mr. Mulcair re-affirmed his commitment to participate in a national leaders debate on municipal issues.  Three of four federal parties have signed on to the debate. We look forward to hearing from the Conservatives.

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