OTTAWA, ON - The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) welcomes the Leader of the Official Opposition's commitment to put the needs of our cities at the centre of the NDP's public policy plans going into the next federal election.  Mr. Mulcair delivered his remarks at a gathering in Toronto on Sunday, March 15.

The NDP leader outlined his commitment to deliver stable, predictable funding for public transit and offered a renewed pledge to make affordable housing a priority.

"Mr. Mulcair is right that the country's large urban centres are essential to creating jobs" said the chair of FCM's Big City Caucus, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson. "This commitment to stable, predictable, funding for transit sets an important precedent for all federal parties."

At the FCM's Board meeting last week in Burnaby, 100 municipal leaders made a united call for all federal parties to make a deliberate commitment in their election platforms to work with cities and communities to strengthen Canada's economy through its municipalities.

"The NDP's plan is a great start, and we welcome the invitation to work with Mr. Mulcair to reduce congestion and address the housing crunch," said FCM president Brad Woodside.  "Any plan for the economy must look to all municipalities across this country to drive job creation through investment in things like roads, clean water and affordable housing."

FCM believes that the next federal election must focus on strengthening Canada through strengthening our cities and communities. Partnering with municipalities on issues such as transit, infrastructure and housing is a partnership with Canadians to improve their quality of life.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is the national voice of municipal government. In leading the municipal movement, FCM works to align federal and local priorities, recognizing that strong hometowns make for a strong Canada.

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