ST-ANDREWS, NB - Today, the President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Brad Woodside, addressed municipal leaders attending the annual conference of the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick (UMNB), in St Andrews, NB, to discuss solutions to the issues facing Canadians in their hometowns.

"To compete globally and protect our quality of life, Canada needs cities and communities with quality infrastructure to support growing businesses, and affordable housing to attract new workers and meet the needs of vulnerable Canadians," said FCM president Brad Woodside.

Investing in local infrastructure provides a clear and measurable return on investment, while addressing the biggest gaps hindering our economic competitiveness. With every new road, bridge or transit system, we create new jobs and improve the quality of life in our communities. According to the Conference Board of Canada, improving our roads, bridges, and water systems generates up to $1.20 in real GDP growth for each dollar invested, and an average of 16,000 person-years of employment for every $1 billion spent.

Housing that is affordable for newcomers, young families, the middle class and seniors alike helps build thriving communities and puts money back into our national economy. With renting and construction included, housing makes up 20% of Canada's GDP.

"Canadians expect their leaders to work together to build our economy from the ground up, and improve the quality of life in our hometowns. Municipalities are ready to work with all orders of government to make this happen," said FCM president Brad Woodside.

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