OTTAWA - March 8 is International Women's Day and members of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) will be marking the occasion with a campaign school and political panel aimed at increasing women's participation in local government.

"Events like this provide much-needed encouragement and practical support to women who are considering entering municipal government," said Erin Hogan, Councillor for Thompson, Manitoba and Chair of FCM's Standing Committee on Increasing Women's Participation in Municipal Government. "While there are still significant barriers that stand in the way of equal representation in local government, this event provides an opportunity to share information and resources that can help women take their place at the council table."

"Our government knows that women in leadership roles play a vital role in ensuring that Canada's cities and communities prosper," said Stella Ambler, MP for Mississauga South. "This partnership is already showing results and we will continue to work with FCM to increase women's participation in local government through innovative activities like this campaign school."

At the event, Ms. Ambler will discuss her campaign experiences and the issues she faces as a Member of Parliament. Additionally, a panel of women councillors from across the country will speak about their motivations for entering municipal government and their experiences and strategies in running for political office. Participants in the campaign school will receive a combination of classroom instruction, networking opportunities, and mentorship by active women councillors.

"Under-representation of women in local government is a serious democratic deficit," said Linda Rydholm, councillor for Thunder Bay and one of the organizers of the event. "That's why we need hands-on events like this campaign school to provide women with the tools they require to overcome this hurdle".   

This event is open to women from the Thunder Bay region with an interest in becoming a candidate for local government, or learning to run a local government campaign, and was organized in collaboration with Thunder Bay Women in Politics. 

For more information, please see the Fact Sheet.

Media who are interested in attending this event should contact Melissa Newitt.

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Women in Local Government
Women in local government
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