Responding to today's federal fiscal update, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) applauded major new infrastructure commitments as transformative for communities of all sizes in every region of Canada. 

"These unprecedented infrastructure investments will mean more growth, more jobs and stronger communities," said FCM President Clark Somerville. "Municipalities are ready to partner with this government to deliver truly transformative returns on this investment for all Canadians."

Finance Minister Bill Morneau revealed today that his government will expand Phase 2 of its infrastructure plan: $48-billion over eight years becomes $81 billion over 11 years for transit, social, green and other infrastructure. With Phase 2 funding mechanisms designed to optimize local expertise to deliver local solutions, this plan will deliver historic outcomes for Canadians.

"These expanded transit investments will lead to shorter commutes, lower emissions, less gridlock and higher productivity," said Don Iveson, Chair of FCM's Big City Mayors' Caucus. "Across the board, today's announcement is a big acknowledgement that cities are critical partners in nation-building."

Today's announcement included a new $2 billion fund to support the infrastructure needs of northern, remote and rural communities. This responds to FCM"s call to invest in capital priorities that might otherwise not be addressed in Phase 2 - including roads and bridges, water and wastewater treatment, septic system upgrades, and a full range of transportation needs. 

"This announcement tells me this government is listening to the municipal sector. It tells me they understand that rural and northern communities are essential to Canada's economic, social and environmental future," said Somerville.

Today's Fiscal Update launches the countdown to the full design of Phase 2, expected no later than Budget 2017. To ensure the best outcomes for Canadians, FCM continues to press for funding models that empower municipalities to select and implement the best strategic projects, as well as a significant funding commitment for affordable housing.

As the national voice of municipal government, FCM works to align federal and local priorities, recognizing that strong hometowns make for a strong Canada.


Michael FitzPatrick, Media Relations Advisor, FCM: 613-316-8519 or

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