ClimateData.ca is a climate data portal created to support Canadian decision makers by providing the most up to date climate data in easy to use formats and visualizations.

Use the Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer tool to better understand energy poverty in your municipality and develop clean energy programs to reduce it.

Watch this video to learn how to work with local businesses, academia, and community organizations to develop a climate action plan that addresses your municipality’s unique needs.

Are you interested in learning more about the steps your municipality can take to address climate change? Watch this video to develop a core understanding of climate action in Canadian municipalities.

This resource was developed by the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (2017-2022). This program was delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.
For more information on climate action funding, resources and training, please visit FCM’s Green Municipal Fund. For more information on asset management and climate resilience grants, training and resources please visit FCM’s Municipal Asset Management Program.