Do you want to develop your asset management skills and knowledge? A solid asset management approach empowers your municipality to make better decisions and investments with its infrastructure.

Check out the online courses available from FCM’s Municipal Asset Management Program’s partners. They are offered online and you can take them at any time. The training opportunities featured below are designed with municipalities of all sizes in mind and intended to give you practical advice and tips.

Introductory courses

These online course focus on a wide variety of topics and are designed to help you better understand the benefits and basics of asset management. You’ll find courses on green infrastructure, asset management implementation, and more, all geared towards helping you become familiar with core concepts and best practices.

Course title Offered by Cost Duration Description

Pourquoi se préoccuper de la gestion de ses actifs municipaux?

Available in French only

Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités (FQM)


1.5 hours

The Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités developed this three-part training for Quebec municipalities. Module one introduces the key principles of asset management and how they apply to a municipality’s strategic, tactical and operational activities.

Les étapes du cycle de gestion des actifs municipaux

Available in French only

Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités (FQM)


1.8 hours

The Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités developed this three-part training for Quebec municipalities. Module two explains the six steps of the asset management cycle and provides tools municipalities can download to develop their approach.

Learning path on the fundamentals of asset management: Why asset management?

Available in French only

Centre d'expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) $50 2 hours This learning path is an introductory course in asset management offering online training that is accessible at all times and is composed of experience and expertise shared by municipal actors, quizzes to test your knowledge, tools, guides, resources and more. 

Learning path on the fundamentals of asset management: Defining service levels 

Available in French only

Centre d'expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) $50 2 hours This introductory course highlights the issues and the importance of defining service levels in the municipality’s practices. Sign up to gain access to experience and expertise shared by municipal actors, quizzes to test your knowledge, resources, tools and more.

Learning path on the fundamentals of asset management: Lifecycle analysis

Available in French only

Centre d'expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) $50 2 hours Are you interested in improving your understanding of the issues and the importance of incorporating lifestyle analysis into the municipality’s practices? This online course offers experience and expertise shared by municipal actors, answers to common questions, guides, tools, resources and more. 

Learning path on the fundamentals of asset management: Infrastructure financing

Available in French only

Centre d'expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) $50 2 hours This introductory course highlights the issues associated with infrastructure financing and best practices to adopt. Sign up to learn about the experiences  shared by municipal actors, theories and other elements that are key to developing your competencies, resources, quizzes and more. 

AM 101: Building asset management awareness

Available in English only

Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM)


3 hours

Learn the basics of asset management through this three-hour course. Discover what asset management is and the challenges it can help your community overcome.

The learning path to asset management readiness

Available in English only

Asset Management Saskatchewan (AMSK) $150 6 hours Is your municipality interested in learning the basics of asset management? Tailored to the needs of communities with fewer than 1,000 residents this online course can help new learners define asset management, discover the benefits of asset management.

AM 102: Core elements of asset management

Available in English only

Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM)


3 hours

Sign up for this course to learn about five asset management organizational competencies. You’ll learn about the steps needed to get started in asset management and what tangible actions you can take to support progress in your community.

Next-level courses

If you’re already familiar with the core concepts of asset management, these training courses can help you take the next step. Our partners are offering training to help you strengthen your leadership skills, better integrate natural assets into your planning, more effectively deliver your asset management plan, and more.

Course title Offered by Cost Duration Description

Les incontournables pour assurer le succès du plan de gestion des actifs municipaux

Available in French only

Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités (FQM)


1 hour

The Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités developed this three-part training for Quebec municipalities. Module three builds on the two previous learning sections and focuses on helping a municipality action their asset management plan.

The asset register and initial state of the infrastructure report

Available in English only

Asset Management Saskatchewan (AMSK)


6 to 8 hours

Check out this course intended for staff responsible for managing and working with your municipal data. It provides a simple approach to prepare an asset register to inform decision-making.

Implementing the asset management competency framework

Available in English only

Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM)


3 hours

Learn about the steps of implementing a competency management program within your organization based on CNAM’s Asset Management Competency Framework (AMCF).

AIM Network’s online asset management training program

Available in English only

Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network (AIMNetwork)

$399 per course

6 to 9 hours per course

Check out this series of five courses that cover everything from policy, level of service, risk assessments, data management and capital financing strategies.

Professional certificate in asset management planning

NAMS Canada $3,100 50 to 60 hours Master key AM concepts and build a customized AM plan as you earn a Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning from NAMS. This ten-week program will give you the solid foundation you need to confidently use AM tools and templates to develop strategies, policies and roadmaps.
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