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Showing 105 - 112 of 177 results
Case study
The rapidly growing City of Cranbrook has upgraded its wastewater systems to improve effluent quality, reduce operating costs, cut GHG emissions and allow for population growth over the next 20 years.
  • Sustainability
  • Water
Case study
To cut pollution threatening fish and groundwater, the Municipality of the District of Argyle updated sewage-treatment facilities in the seaside village of West Pubnico with screens and ultraviolet light that disinfects effluent before releasing it into Lobster Bay.
  • Sustainability
  • Water
Case study
To find further ways to conserve its finite groundwater resources, the City of Guelph studied a residential greywater reuse system that flushes residential toilets with water from showers and baths.
  • Sustainability
  • Water
Case study
Learn about Cranbrook, BC's award-winning project to reclaim wastewater for irrigation.
  • Sustainability
  • Water
Case study
Learn how Brampton, ON, is preparing its older suburbs for climate change.
  • Climate change
  • Sustainability
Case study
After joining the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program in 2001, the City of Fredericton, NB, began implementing plans to reduce corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under its First to Kyoto initiative.
  • Climate change
Case study
As a founding member of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program and one of the first two municipalities to complete all five milestones for corporate GHG emissions, the City of Edmonton has demonstrated its dedication to climate action.
  • Climate change
Case study
As the first municipality in Canada to achieve Milestone 5 for corporate GHG emissions, the City of Calgary has made great strides in meeting the challenges of climate change.
  • Climate change
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